

I am Moses Estrada, from SoCal, doing a PhD in Philosophy at University of Leeds, UK (distance based);  I’m also a Recognised Student in the Philosophy dept. at University of Oxford, UK (Michaelmas, 2021; and Hilary 2022).

I was a Visiting Graduate Student in the Philosophy dept. at UC, Riverside (2020-21), participated in seminars on Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Rousseau, and late Wittgenstein. I am based in Riverside, California. Previously I completed an MLitt in Philosophy from University of Aberdeen, UK. I reside in Riverside, CA.

I am interested in problems of the self and the other in the areas of Ordinary Language Philosophy, Post-Kantian Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Film, and Philosophy of Literature.

I am the Guest Editor for “Cavell and Dialectic”, in Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies (Issue 9, March 2022); wrote the afterword, “Philosophy of Mind Becomes Aesthetics”.

I am also fascinated with Latin American Philosophy’s and Mexican Philosophy’s reception of Hegel and Marx. I read Fransico Miro Quesada’s El hombre sin teoria parallel to Wittgenstein’s anti-theory posture, a sort of liberation from theory itself.

Just a final note, I find myself thinking in a post-analytic space.


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